Adopted By-Laws of the
Marble Falls Area Agricultural Club
P.O. Box 103
Marble Falls, Tx 78654
Last amended/updated: 08/19/24
Marble Falls Area Agricultural Club
P.O. Box 103
Marble Falls, Tx 78654
Last amended/updated: 08/19/24
Article I
The name of the club shall be the Marble Falls Area Agricultural Club (herein MFAAC).
Article II
1. To encourage and support the Vocational Agriculture, FFA, Agricultural Mechanics, and 4H programs of the Marble Falls area.
2. To enable parents to become better acquainted with the aims and purposes of Vocational Agriculture, FFA, Agricultural Mechanics, and the 4H organizations.
3. To enhance community financial support of Marble Falls area youth exhibitors at the Burnet County Livestock Show.
4. To provide college scholarships to graduating seniors active in the Marble Falls area Vocational Agriculture, FFA, Agricultural Mechanics, and 4H programs.
Article III
1. Shall be composed of any person interested in working with the Vocational Agriculture program, the FFA, Agricultural Mechanics, and 4H organizations.
2. The annual dues for membership into MFAAC shall be $50.00 per family.
3. The membership year shall be February 1st to January 31st with dues being payable by February 28th of each year. Late Fees per month of $50 will be assessed after February 28th .
4. Members are required to attend 50% of meetings and participate in 100% of fundraisers during the fiscal year (February – January). Members who do not fulfill membership requirements may be penalized up to 50% deduction (25% for meetings and 25% for fundraisers) from their financial support at the sale. Members that do not participate, and only submit membership dues, will only receive financial support up to that amount. First time members who join 4H/FFA in August 1st – October 1st . Families joining during this time period will be entitled to 50% of financial support. Families joining after October 1st will not be entitled to financial support for the current year.
Article IV
1. The elected officers of the MFAAC shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
2. Officers shall be elected at the March meeting. Nominations shall be accepted from the floor. Terms shall be for one year beginning in March, and officers shall not hold the same office for longer than two consecutive years.
3. The President shall preside at all meetings and shall have general supervision of the affairs of the MFAAC. The President, with the Treasurer, shall sign all checks issued by the club in the amounts of $100 or more.
4. The Vice-President shall be in charge of committee projects in general and shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or in the event of a vacancy in the President’s office.
5. The Secretary shall keep records of the meetings of the MFAAC, shall keep a membership roster, shall attend to the necessary correspondence of the MFAAC and perform other duties as may be necessary.
6. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all funds into a special account for the MFAAC. The Treasurer shall sign all checks issued by the MFAAC, and along with the President for checks issued in the amount of $100 or more. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate, up to date record of the organization’s finances and be prepared to submit a financial report to the general membership at each meeting.
7. Any officer that misses two consecutive meetings will be removed from their position. Replacement officer(s) will be voted on by attending members.
Article V
1. The MFAAC will hold quarterly meetings beginning in March, unless otherwise designated by the President.
2. Special meetings may be called at the President’s discretion.
Article VII
Meeting Procedures
1. Robert’s Rule of Order shall govern all meetings of the MFAAC.
2. Amendments to the by-laws may be made by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present; however, only one member of each household may vote. The members present at a duly called meeting shall represent a quorum. To be put to a vote, the amendments must have been presented to the general membership at least 10 days prior.
Article VIII
1. Any appendix or appendices approved by the membership in the same manner as an amendment to these by-laws shall be considered a part of this document.
2. It is recommended to have a minimum of $5,000.00 in checking account to remain with the club at the end of the fiscal year. These funds will be used as start-up for the following fiscal year.
3. To be eligible for financial support from the MFAAC (i.e. purchase of a dependent child’s project (s) during the annual Burnet County Livestock Show, dependent(s) must be active in the Marble Falls FFA and/or Marble Falls area 4H club. Projects must be shown at the Burnet County Livestock Show and participants must be present at the sale if their project makes the sale list. Projects not making the sale list will be eligible for financial support as well, provided all membership requirements have been met.
4. Participants that are unable to attend the sale after showing their project and have met all membership requirements will still be eligible for financial support from MFAAC. Documentation for absence must be presented 30 days before sale date.
5. Any group projects will receive financial support at the same rate as if it was an individual project.
6. MFAAC will only provide financial support for each member’s highest placing project.
Article IX
1. Each year the MFAAC will award up to 5 scholarships not to exceed the amount of $5,000.00. The deadline for submission will be April 1st midnight, and individual interviews will be the following week by the scholarship committee. No committee member will have a child or relative applying for this scholarship. Below are the requirements for applying for the MFAAC scholarships. A deficiency in one area may be bolstered by another area. Failure to participate in a fundraiser can result in the application being declined. The entire application must be completed to be eligible for consideration. Incomplete applications will not be considered. All applicants will be scored based upon the qualifications outlined below.
2. Qualifications for scholarships:
a. Must be a graduating senior in high school.
b. Must be a dependent of a currently active member of the MFAAC, with total membership to be three (3) consecutive years, which includes the senior year.
c. Be an active member of a 4H or FFA organization for a minimum of three (3) years and attended 50% of the meetings.
d. Must be accepted and enrolled in a recognized secondary school, college, university, or vocational school for the following semester.
e. Participated in the Burnet County Livestock Show by showing a project or participated in a recognized 4H or FFA agricultural contest (i.e. Judging contest, skills contest, small mechanics, ship, wildlife management).
f. Exhibited good character and was a good role model for younger members.
g. Provide two (2) letters of recommendation, with one being from an Ag teacher, an Ag extension agent, or advisor; and the other letter from a teacher, group leader or community member.
h. Have participated in a MFAAC fundraiser each year applicant’s family were members, or have volunteered and provided community service log.
3. If the above criteria are not met by successful applicants, the scholarships will be awarded to the applicants scoring highest in the interview and qualification process. Scholarship funds will only be dispersed after the student has successfully completed the 1st semester of schooling of their secondary education. The student must show proof of a passing GPA and proof of enrollment for the following semester by February 1 to the MFAAC treasurer to receive scholarship awarded. Any funds not disbursed due to failure to show passing grade or proof of enrollment for the next semester will be forfeited.
4. The qualifications will be reviewed annually by the MFAAC. The MFAAC reserves the right to adjust the qualifications and scholarship amounts annually.
The name of the club shall be the Marble Falls Area Agricultural Club (herein MFAAC).
Article II
1. To encourage and support the Vocational Agriculture, FFA, Agricultural Mechanics, and 4H programs of the Marble Falls area.
2. To enable parents to become better acquainted with the aims and purposes of Vocational Agriculture, FFA, Agricultural Mechanics, and the 4H organizations.
3. To enhance community financial support of Marble Falls area youth exhibitors at the Burnet County Livestock Show.
4. To provide college scholarships to graduating seniors active in the Marble Falls area Vocational Agriculture, FFA, Agricultural Mechanics, and 4H programs.
Article III
1. Shall be composed of any person interested in working with the Vocational Agriculture program, the FFA, Agricultural Mechanics, and 4H organizations.
2. The annual dues for membership into MFAAC shall be $50.00 per family.
3. The membership year shall be February 1st to January 31st with dues being payable by February 28th of each year. Late Fees per month of $50 will be assessed after February 28th .
4. Members are required to attend 50% of meetings and participate in 100% of fundraisers during the fiscal year (February – January). Members who do not fulfill membership requirements may be penalized up to 50% deduction (25% for meetings and 25% for fundraisers) from their financial support at the sale. Members that do not participate, and only submit membership dues, will only receive financial support up to that amount. First time members who join 4H/FFA in August 1st – October 1st . Families joining during this time period will be entitled to 50% of financial support. Families joining after October 1st will not be entitled to financial support for the current year.
Article IV
1. The elected officers of the MFAAC shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
2. Officers shall be elected at the March meeting. Nominations shall be accepted from the floor. Terms shall be for one year beginning in March, and officers shall not hold the same office for longer than two consecutive years.
3. The President shall preside at all meetings and shall have general supervision of the affairs of the MFAAC. The President, with the Treasurer, shall sign all checks issued by the club in the amounts of $100 or more.
4. The Vice-President shall be in charge of committee projects in general and shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence or in the event of a vacancy in the President’s office.
5. The Secretary shall keep records of the meetings of the MFAAC, shall keep a membership roster, shall attend to the necessary correspondence of the MFAAC and perform other duties as may be necessary.
6. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate account of all funds into a special account for the MFAAC. The Treasurer shall sign all checks issued by the MFAAC, and along with the President for checks issued in the amount of $100 or more. The Treasurer shall keep an accurate, up to date record of the organization’s finances and be prepared to submit a financial report to the general membership at each meeting.
7. Any officer that misses two consecutive meetings will be removed from their position. Replacement officer(s) will be voted on by attending members.
Article V
1. The MFAAC will hold quarterly meetings beginning in March, unless otherwise designated by the President.
2. Special meetings may be called at the President’s discretion.
Article VII
Meeting Procedures
1. Robert’s Rule of Order shall govern all meetings of the MFAAC.
2. Amendments to the by-laws may be made by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present; however, only one member of each household may vote. The members present at a duly called meeting shall represent a quorum. To be put to a vote, the amendments must have been presented to the general membership at least 10 days prior.
Article VIII
1. Any appendix or appendices approved by the membership in the same manner as an amendment to these by-laws shall be considered a part of this document.
2. It is recommended to have a minimum of $5,000.00 in checking account to remain with the club at the end of the fiscal year. These funds will be used as start-up for the following fiscal year.
3. To be eligible for financial support from the MFAAC (i.e. purchase of a dependent child’s project (s) during the annual Burnet County Livestock Show, dependent(s) must be active in the Marble Falls FFA and/or Marble Falls area 4H club. Projects must be shown at the Burnet County Livestock Show and participants must be present at the sale if their project makes the sale list. Projects not making the sale list will be eligible for financial support as well, provided all membership requirements have been met.
4. Participants that are unable to attend the sale after showing their project and have met all membership requirements will still be eligible for financial support from MFAAC. Documentation for absence must be presented 30 days before sale date.
5. Any group projects will receive financial support at the same rate as if it was an individual project.
6. MFAAC will only provide financial support for each member’s highest placing project.
Article IX
1. Each year the MFAAC will award up to 5 scholarships not to exceed the amount of $5,000.00. The deadline for submission will be April 1st midnight, and individual interviews will be the following week by the scholarship committee. No committee member will have a child or relative applying for this scholarship. Below are the requirements for applying for the MFAAC scholarships. A deficiency in one area may be bolstered by another area. Failure to participate in a fundraiser can result in the application being declined. The entire application must be completed to be eligible for consideration. Incomplete applications will not be considered. All applicants will be scored based upon the qualifications outlined below.
2. Qualifications for scholarships:
a. Must be a graduating senior in high school.
b. Must be a dependent of a currently active member of the MFAAC, with total membership to be three (3) consecutive years, which includes the senior year.
c. Be an active member of a 4H or FFA organization for a minimum of three (3) years and attended 50% of the meetings.
d. Must be accepted and enrolled in a recognized secondary school, college, university, or vocational school for the following semester.
e. Participated in the Burnet County Livestock Show by showing a project or participated in a recognized 4H or FFA agricultural contest (i.e. Judging contest, skills contest, small mechanics, ship, wildlife management).
f. Exhibited good character and was a good role model for younger members.
g. Provide two (2) letters of recommendation, with one being from an Ag teacher, an Ag extension agent, or advisor; and the other letter from a teacher, group leader or community member.
h. Have participated in a MFAAC fundraiser each year applicant’s family were members, or have volunteered and provided community service log.
3. If the above criteria are not met by successful applicants, the scholarships will be awarded to the applicants scoring highest in the interview and qualification process. Scholarship funds will only be dispersed after the student has successfully completed the 1st semester of schooling of their secondary education. The student must show proof of a passing GPA and proof of enrollment for the following semester by February 1 to the MFAAC treasurer to receive scholarship awarded. Any funds not disbursed due to failure to show passing grade or proof of enrollment for the next semester will be forfeited.
4. The qualifications will be reviewed annually by the MFAAC. The MFAAC reserves the right to adjust the qualifications and scholarship amounts annually.